Monday, 27 December 2010

How to Prevent Baldness with Hair Transplant

Hair loss and baldness are not only men’s problem, but also huge problem for women. It can’t be denied the fact that women face the same problem with hair too. Hair is very precious for women, and hair loss or even baldness can damage women emotionally that even worse than in men. Many women suffer from female pattern baldness which causes the hair loss in certain part of women’s head following the baldness pattern. There are several causes that cause hair loss and almost-bald situations in female. First, hair loss can be the impacts of hormonal imbalance in women. Second, hair losses often happen during the pregnancy and after give birth. Third, hair losses appear when women get into menopause stages.

Losing hair in enormous amount, and get to the point where it can’t be hidden anymore, can cause very serious emotional problems for women. Fortunately, today there’s a technique called Female Hair Transplant that can solve the problem that is caused by hair losses.
Female Hair Transplant is a technique that involves minor surgery to transplant tiny groups of follicles into part that show bald patterns. These groups are usually being extracted from the full permanent growth of hair from part of the head.

If you consider having Female Hair Transplant, there are several things that you need to have a full understanding about this technique. First, the technique can only be successful only if the transplants have good quality, otherwise this technique may fail. Second, choose a good surgery that has good references in transplanting hair and has a good qualification. Fourth, you must understand that not all female’s hair is compatible for other women. So you need to check whether the donor has a good hair in quality and quantity to support the successful of the transplant. Fifth, you of course need to consider whether your budget fits with the hair transplant prices. It is not necessary to force yourself to get a hair transplant with costs that over-bear from you can afford.